Every student aspires to work for a reputed organization after completion of studies. But fails to identify that he/she is already an inseparable part of an organization where his/her performance, contribution or behavior can shape up things.
To allow the student play an indispensable role in shaping up an Institute, beyond the boundaries of the classroom, Institutional Progressive Forum is established at RKIET. Being an integral part of this body, one can feel the essence of working in an esteemed organization with strategic meetings and brain storming sessions, thereby enhancing their chances to show the experience at other reputed organizations.
Our institute has always aspired to produce unprecedented results and create unparalleled success by integrating and magnifying the individual efforts for the benefit of society at large. This institute aspires in bringing about a strategic alignment across all the levels of the Institute now, to have a sustainable growth and provide a world class academic and research environment for future engineers and managers.
It is an in-house developmental forum which aims at the following
To inculcate Positive and Progressive thinking into the mindsets of the Staff & Students of the college.
To channelize the energies and innovative ideas of the students & staff for improvement of the self as well as the institute and the community.
To ensure proper implementation of the policy of the institute by becoming a channel of communication between the faculties and students.
Ensure proper utilization and distribution of facilities provided by the institute.