The RKIET is an institution committed to provide best education in a homely atmosphere. Problems occur in spite of the best of efforts of all concerned. Procedure as stated below has been devised to effectively mitigate the grievances of the students, as and when it is faced.
- Grievances of the students must first be reported to Prof-In-charge Student welfare & grievance cell. (PIC SW )
- The application of grievance shall be written in plain paper and shall be signed by the complainant. In case the grievance relates to a group, at least 10% of the students affected shall sign on the body of the application. The PIC SW shall acknowledge the receipt of the application on the body of a copy of the application.
- The PIC SW may discuss the problem along with its probable solutions with the students. Thereafter, he shall discuss the matter with all concerned and find out a solution to mitigate the grievance or initiate action for the same, within a period not exceeding 2 working days. In case the problem is complicated, the grievance shall be redressed within a reasonable time.
- If the complainant(s) is/are not satisfied with the solution provided by the PIC SW , he/they shall meet the Principal. In case of a grievance of a group, not more than 3 students shall meet the Principal. The application to the Principal should mention the reasons for dissatisfaction of the solutions provided/ not provided by the PIC SW and must be signed by at least 10% of the students affected.
- The Principal shall mitigate the grievance or initiate action within a period, not exceeding 3 working days, In case of the situation not favouring immediate redressal of the grievance, the Principal shall intimate a probable date of redressing it.
- The entire procedure shall be completed within 5 working days. If the complainant(s) is dissatisfied with the decision of the Principal he/they are at liberty to go for legal action.
- In case the procedure is not followed, it will be presumed that the students are not interested to mitigate the grievance, but are interested only to foment problems. Actions shall be taken accordingly.
- If a group of students are involved, the entire group, in addition to the instigators will be imposed with disciplinary action as decided by Disciplinary Committee